As a child and young adult growing up in the Sydney Jewish community we used to go to the Darlinghurst Community Centre to play table tennis.
Then 148 Darlighurst Rd Darlinghurst was converted to the Sydney Museum on the 18th of November, 1992. When it opened I did go to check it out but it was much too gloomy for a teenager.
A few years back when I decided to write my book, “Georgina – Holocaust Survivor Stories”, I knew what I was told from my family was the truth about the Holocaust, but there were inconsistencies that I did not understand. The best place for research was the Jewish museum.
What a change!
It has become a light and airy place. Yes, it still has the historical information as to what happened during the Holocaust. This we must never forget! These exhibits are treated with sensitivity and care.
There are guided tours around the museum. On these tours the survivors of the concentration camps during the Holocaust tell their own private accounts in detail. You can ask questions and they happily answer them.
The museum also has fascinating information about the early years of Sydney and many different interesting exhibits, such as the clothing manufacturing exhibitions from the fashion houses of the sixties.
The “Meet up” group often organises interesting meetings with current affair subjects. Once I attended the museum and saw a discussion about several religions. This discussion was most inspirational and highlighted the fact that: No matter what religion we are there is common ground for friendship.
They even have a lovely cafeteria.
While working in the SJM library I discovered vital information concerning “Georgina – Holocaust Survivor Stories”.
When it was time to launch “Georgina: Holocaust Survivor Stories” I felt the Sydney Jewish Museum was the best place.
So on the 8th of December last year with the help of The Honourable Nick Greiner org/wiki/Nick_Greine,we successfully launched my book.
Nearly a year later with ISIS in the news I was wondering about the similarities between this barbaric group of madmen and the Holocaust and the Nazis in WWII.
I decided to do some research. I found that the first Jewish museum in Vienna was started in 1896 then closed during the Holocaust. It reopened in 1950.
There are hundreds of Jewish museums around the world. In the USA alone there are 43.
Thousands exist around the world.–Museums.asp
It is vital we strengthen our education system and get more schools involved in not just showing our children what happened in the past, but in making sure they actually understand.
We must learn from the past so we can have a better future.
The way to handle terror and violence is not by force. Force begets force; that is how wars are started. Let’s face it, we are on the verge of another war!
We have the resources. I think the answer may lay in education. Let us get our children more education! Not by going to the movies to get more violence or crazy video games!
We have to get schools to see the past, go to the Jewish museums around the world.
This is done now, but not enough! Our children have to understand and take responsibility for bullying; it is the beginning of these outrageous behaviours ending with ISIS.
The Jewish museums should be fun and real to our youth. We can make education interesting.
I would like to end by quoting John Lennon:
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one
Gabriella Kovac